Consider for example that one of the elements in your corn production system is to apply fungicide at the V6 stage of growth. When the crop hits V6, Continue Reading
Archives for April 2023
The Flu Shot for Your Crop – A System!
So, are you planning to farm next year? Are you planning to raise the best crop possible? Assuming you answered YES, it only makes sense to put Continue Reading
Are You A Believer? How Soil Testing, Planning and Hybrid Placement Impact Your Success
At Red Barn Enterprises soil testing results, operational planning to offset obstacles, and a robust hybrid portfolio are the building blocks of any Continue Reading
Have You Ever Seen A Punch-Drunk Farmer?
Only You, the Farmer Can Make the Kinds of Decisions that Need to be Made Regardless of the amount of technology a farmer has on his equipment or Continue Reading
Do You Know How to Control the Weather?
The goal is to keep those 1,000 variables from inflicting significant damage on our crop when we can prevent it. We know varieties can’t protect Continue Reading
Are You Happy with What You See This Year?
When you judge a field this time of year it can tell you a lot. It may tell you what a great job you did. It may show you areas you can improve on, or Continue Reading