Planting season always feels like a race but what farmers often forget during the hustle and bustle is that this race doesn’t end once planters stop rolling… it enters its second leg: post-planting management.
Check out this week’s EZ Ag video spotlight that highlights some key product recommendations from BW Fusion that can help corn farmers as they shift their mindset to post-planting management and the growing season ahead!
Rather read this week’s update? Scroll past the video and overview the transcript below!
Video Transcript
Good morning, and welcome to this weeks EZ Ag episode. As the corn planting season wraps up, it’s time to shift our focus to the fifth of the top five factors to producing a top crop: post-planting management.
We’ve recently received some much-needed rainfall, easing our stress levels and setting the stage for robust early season crop growth, so how do we help our crop “Stress Less” just like this rain has helped us?
It’s all about nurturing the crop to mitigate abiotic stress and maximize yield potential. Effective post-planting management is key, and BW Fusion, the leaders in crop nutrition, are here to help with innovative solutions.
BW Fusion offers three powerful products designed to promote healthy crop growth and reduce the impacts of abiotic stress:
- Relax RX
- AmiNo
- FullSun
These can be integrated with your early post-herbicide applications or used during the crop’s reproductive growth stages.
Relax RX is your ally in keeping the crop growing strong. It mitigates the effects of herbicide metabolism on your plants and supports growth during periods of drought or heat, helping the plants maintain their yield potential.
AmiNo is a powerhouse blend of micronutrients and 18 essential amino acids. These components are vital for protein synthesis, the building blocks of every cell in the plant. AmiNo fortifies the crop against abiotic stresses, ensuring your plants have what they need to thrive.
FullSun encourages additional root growth and enhances root exudates, which are crucial for feeding soil microbes. These microbes, in turn, nourish the crop, promoting a healthy and resilient growth environment.
As we move into this next phase, remember that post-planting management is essential to harvesting a top crop. With BW Fusion’s Relax RX, AmiNo, and FullSun, you’re equipped to support your corn throughout the season and overcome any abiotic challenges that come your way.
That’s all for today, I’m Matt Long, helping you farm differently, providing information you can’t get anywhere else.
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